Action movie
In a sinful city, a remote town that stenges of loneliness and death, only Liao Shao's people still live there, lying, cheating, stealing, gambling and taking drugs every day to kill their aimless, endless time, and it is safe to assume that they are all secretly praying to a most unusual vampire: an innocent-looking young girl wrapped in an Islamic headscarf cruising the streets on a skateboard in search of victims to satisfy her hunger. Shot in gorgeous and powerful black and white, this film is the first film by American-based writer and director Ana Lily Amirpour, a Western Islamic vampire, a cold and sad romantic comedy, the most macaly original film of the year. "A cunning and sexy vine," he said.
After his father's death, Martin took his pregnant wife, Julia, to a remote town near New York to start a new life CCC. Christine, Daniel, Helden, and Tommy are four graduating college students who choose hiking as the last memory of their student life. The sudden power outage scared the town's residents, the gas station and power plant shut down, and the whole country was plunged into darkness, but senior researchers could not find the cause of the power outage. It's not terrible when it's dark, it's the darkness that hides in the light......
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One-click skin resurfacing