Cultivating immortals2013Cancel
3. The occupied body is the first to take the lead; Comic synopsis: Kanna Ardis is the eldest daughter of Duke Adis's family, but she is called an illegitimate child and trash. One day, she possessed Li Zhuhua's body and after 12 years, she suddenly returned to her original body. This time, in order to change her bad life, she is determined to use her medical knowledge and alchemist talent to start a new life. Home
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Everybody is searching for these comics 《零度战姬》第二季(又名:零度战姬振动)故事围绕在和袭击人类的异次元体NOVA的战斗中失去了姐姐青井和叶的少年和bbb。青井和叶是传奇中的潘多拉(能与NOVA作战的少女),和哉为了继承姐姐的遗志,进入了潘多拉的专门学校「杰尼提克斯」,并成为了「禁止接触女王」莎堤莱萨·艾尔·布丽姬的制御者,从此他的生活便大大改变了。在因袭击人类的异次元体NOVA的战斗中失去了姐姐青井和叶的少年和哉,编入了能够与NOVA对刚的战士以及其制御者的育成机关《杰尼提克斯》。在那里,和哉与被人称作《禁止接触女王》所畏惧着的少女,莎缇莱萨·艾尔·布丽姬相遇了。喜欢上了拥有姐姐背影的莎缇莱萨的和哉,在不停被拒绝的情况下仍旧与她共赴战场,慢慢的缩短了距离。在这时,由于《杰尼提克斯》的上层机关《修吧里诶》的命令,和哉被派遣到了阿拉斯加的基地。在那里,正进行着对抗NOVA的新对策,人工创造出潘多拉的《E潘多拉计划》。
91 comics
Wild Painting Collection
Cultivating immortals2013Cancel
3. The occupied body is the first to take the lead; Comic synopsis: Kanna Ardis is the eldest daughter of Duke Adis's family, but she is called an illegitimate child and trash. One day, she possessed Li Zhuhua's body and after 12 years, she suddenly returned to her original body. This time, in order to change her bad life, she is determined to use her medical knowledge and alchemist talent to start a new life. Home
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Everybody is searching for these comics 在宇宙的神秘角落,令界王神都闻风丧胆的可怕神明悠悠苏bbb。他是破坏之神比鲁斯(山寺宏一 配音),漫长的39年沉睡中,比鲁斯梦见与传说中的赛亚人之神对决,而弗利萨被消灭的消息也引起了他对赛亚人的兴趣。为此,他和随从维斯(森田成一 配音)来到了界王星,寻找打败弗利萨的孙悟空(野泽雅子 配音)。孙君不顾界王(八奈见乘儿 配音)的劝阻,斗胆向比鲁斯发起挑战,结果遭遇实力悬殊的惨败。为求赛亚人之神的真相,比鲁斯再度造访地球。此时Z战士们正齐聚西部城市为布玛(鹤ひろみ 配音)庆生,派对上的美味食物引起比鲁斯和维斯的极大兴趣。事先知情的贝吉塔(堀川りょう 配音)小心应付,以防破坏之神毁灭地球,但是意外与战斗还是不可避免地发生了……  传说中的赛亚人之神是否真的存在?地球的命运将会如何?
91 comics
Occupied body - 3
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Occupied body - 3