3. The occupied body is the first to take the lead; Comic synopsis: Kanna Ardis is the eldest daughter of Duke Adis's family, but she is called an illegitimate child and trash. One day, she possessed Li Zhuhua's body and after 12 years, she suddenly returned to her original body. This time, in order to change her bad life, she is determined to use her medical knowledge and alchemist talent to start a new life. Home
Language switching 花江夏树,花泽香菜,石川界人,茅野爱衣,逢坂良太,小松未可子,石原夏织,名冢佳织,天田益男,鸟海浩辅,清川元梦,间岛淳司,石上静香,河西健吾,松冈祯丞,川田绅司,村瀬步,潘惠美
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