495 plays 2023-07-04
209 plays 驹井莲,笠松将,六角精儿,板谷由夏,菅原大吉,胜村政信,渡边一计,伊藤沙莉,茂吕师冈,中岛健人,宫崎美子,织田裕二
574 plays This is the second movie version of the large-scale project "HiGH&LOW" that develops a media mix such as TV dramas and comics. The story revolves around the "Amamiya Brothers", who were called the strongest in the SWORD district along with Team "Mugen", and the whereabouts of the eldest son, who suddenly disappeared, and the secret of the brothers that had been hidden are revealed. Ko Saito plays the eldest of the three brothers, Amamiya Soryu, who makes his first appearance in the series. The three Amamiya brothers have supported each other since the death of their parents. However, one year ago, his eldest son, Soryu, suddenly disappeared, and his younger brothers, Masaki and Hiroto, who were left behind, continued to search for their brother. At that time, in front of Masaki and Hiroto, who came to worship on the anniversary of their parents' deaths, a person appears who knows the clue to the whereabouts of the Sonryu.