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主演: 卢克·纽伯里,汤姆·普赖尔 Tom Prior,吉娜维芙·冈特,伊恩·格雷,伊恩·哈特,莱斯利·夏普,Lee Ross,本·巴特
简介: bbbAutumn 1977. Derek Springfield is an 18-year-old misfit, who 5 years earlier was plucked from his home in the industrial outskirts of Leeds to attend Public School on a scholarship. He has just returned home at the end of his studies to await his Oxbridge results that he's hoping will result in his permanent escape. Life at home is awkward for the brainy lad and embarrassing for his working class family who can't relate his feckless dad, no-nonsense mum and two older brothers, one a football hopeful and the other a distinctly dodgy acquirer of flash consumer goods.  Derek kills time by walking a no hope greyhound, Slapper, and loving out-of-his league Chrissie from afar. But under Derek's loving care Slapper gets faster - so fast she's stolen for her racing potential. Derek despairs at being completely alone once more but Chrissie gets the local community to keep watch. Slapper eventually escapes from her furious captors at an illegal flapper track. Exhausted, she somehow finds her way back and is reunited with Derek who tries to nurse her back to health his bedroom without his family finding out.  Derek, Chrissie and Slapper disguise themselves to avoid the dognappers and try their luck at racing her at a proper dog track. The dognappers and all the Springfields converge on the stadium for the exciting climax.  Its also the day Derek's results are due...
添加: 未知
主演: 欧文·萨斯金德,罗恩·萨斯金德,乔纳森·弗里曼,吉尔伯特·戈特弗雷德,艾伦·罗森布拉特
简介: 影片讲的是一个美若天使的小男孩儿Owen, 活泼可爱,每天叽叽喳喳说个不停,大人和小朋友都喜欢aaa。可是就在他三岁的某一天,小Owen 突然不说话了,大人们无论如何与他沟通,他都像没听见,好像进了自己的一个小房子,并且关上了门不肯出来。Owen的爸爸妈妈都急疯了,不知道发生了什么事。在看过很多医生后,小Owen被诊断为“自闭症”。因为爸爸妈妈没有办法和小OWEN交流,他们痛苦极了,眼睁睁地看着小OWEN像个走丢了的孩子在自己眼前四处游荡,可无论他们如何呼唤他,小OWEN就是听不见,就是一言不发,每天无声地坐在电视前看Disney动画。  突然有一天,Owen的爸爸听到Owen大叫了一声,这让很久没有听到Owen任何声音的家人兴奋无比,好像在黑暗中行走突然看到了明亮的灯塔。小Owen不停地叫着一个词,大家都听不明白,都努力想知道他的意思,好像听到小Owen从他的世界里发出的求救信号。终于,Owen爸爸想起这个声音是从一个Disney动画里发出的,而且是一个小动物的声音。聪明而又用心的Owen爸爸兴奋极了,好像找到了打开小Owen新世界的钥匙。他把自己扮作那个小动物,并以那个小动物的方式和Owen说话,没想到Owen的脸上顿时有了笑容,也开始以动画片中的另外一个小动物的身份和“鸟”爸爸说话。原来,Owen把自己关进的那个叫“自闭”的小房子,就是Disney的动画世界!!  从此,Owen的家人开始以Disney动画里的角色和OWEN说话,并且渐渐地把他带进了现实生活,带回家人朋友中间。Owen长大了,长成了英俊温暖有趣儿的帅哥。他开始学习自立,包括找工作、谈恋爱、自己一个人住。他还成立了动画俱乐部,帮助和他一样的小朋友。
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