Cape Community. Take advantage of my brother's absence to take down his super-good-looking wife
Please enter a keyword... 4694 plays Please keep in mind our latest website: 4699 plays Campus goddess. Part-time student girl in her junior year 【Sister and brother】Three goddess sisters play drinking and undressing games with their younger brothers, and my cousin always loses, wonderful video! Cape Community. Take advantage of my brother's absence to take down his super-good-looking wife Please keep in mind our latest website: The permanent domain name of this site: Disclaimer: This site is owned by the United States, regulated by the U.S. government, and serves overseas Chinese around the world. Please enter a keyword... Home Cape Community. Take advantage of my brother's absence to take down his super-good-looking wife Europe Please keep in mind our latest website: Tanhua Japan 4694 plays Time: 2025-01-28 07:33:05                                                         Home translate.language.setLocal('Chinese_simplified'); Set the local language (the language of the current web page). If this parameter is not set, the language in which the text is displayed on the current web page is automatically recognized by default. You can fill in such as 'english', 'Chinese_simplified', etc., please refer to the instructions below the document. translate.service.use('client.edge'); Set up a machine translation service channel, directly on the client itself, without relying on the server side. translate.execute(); Translate Chinese Europe Home Related Videos: Please keep in mind our latest website: The permanent domain name of this site:
914 plays 121【Sister and brother】Three goddess sisters play drinking and undressing games with their younger brothers, and my cousin always loses, wonderful video!
translate.language.setLocal('Chinese_simplified'); Set the local language (the language of the current web page). If this parameter is not set, the language in which the text is displayed on the current web page is automatically recognized by default. You can fill in such as 'english', 'Chinese_simplified', etc., please refer to the instructions below the document. translate.service.use('client.edge'); Set up a machine translation service channel, directly on the client itself, without relying on the server side. translate.execute(); Translate
4699 plays Madou
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Time: 2025-01-28 07:33:05                                                         到千年之交时,一种名为“虚拟现实”的技术将得到广泛应用,它能使人进入一个由电脑创造出来的、如同想象力般无限丰富的虚幻世界,它的创造者预测这种技术将为人类社会的发展发挥无数积极的作用,而有些人则担心它会被一些人利用,成为一种控制人类思想的新方eee。  在美国一间“虚拟空间工厂”,安吉罗·拉瑞博士正在致力于研究一种能够迅速提高人类智商的“5号计划”。在过去的5年时间里,安吉罗博士的研究对象是几只精心挑选出来的猩猩,试验已经证明,猩猩在虚拟空间的刺激下,智商已经明显提高。可“虚拟空间工厂”的负责人蒂姆斯受到幕后投资人的指使,一直鼓动安吉罗博士通过这种方法对猩猩的原始暴力中枢神经进行刺激,以此来提高它们的攻击性,最终制造出比武器更厉害的东西。安吉罗坚定地拒绝了那些战争流氓的痴心妄想,于是投资人拒绝继续投资,安吉罗也因此遭遇了停职的困境。  安吉罗不愿放弃“虚拟空间”项目的研究,但却苦于没有研究对象,一个偶然的机会,除草人乔布出现在了安吉罗的面前。乔布患有先天性的智力缺陷,从小就被神父收养的他受尽了周围人的欺侮和白眼,只有邻居家的小孩彼得愿意跟他交朋友。但乔布天生乐观善良,安吉罗决心让乔布参与试验。  安吉罗对乔布的实验和训练进行了仅仅一个月,乔布的智商就增长了4倍,这一惊人的结果令安吉罗充满了信心,但与此同时问题也出现了,家里的研究设备已经无法满足随后的研究需要,安吉罗只好求助于蒂姆斯,希望能偷偷借用“虚拟空间工厂”的中心实验室继续对乔布的实验。蒂姆斯一方面爽快答应,另一方面却向幕后投资人告了密。  随着研究的深入,安吉罗发现乔布在提高智商的同时,也显露出了一些超出他预想的迹象,比如暴力倾向,于是他果断地中止了实验。经过调查安吉罗发现,乔布正在的注射的药物并不是自己之前配制的,而是一种直接刺激人的暴力中枢神经的药物,原来是蒂姆斯暗中调换的药物。  事实上此时的乔布已经拥有了一种“用思想控制物质”的神奇力量,他甚至借助这种力量烧死了表面仁慈、内心阴暗的神父,一直虐待他唯一的朋友彼得的父亲也没有得到好结果。安吉罗此时才意识到自己可能害了乔布,他努力说服乔布停止进入虚拟空间。但乔布已经失去了理智,他的智商甚至已经超越了安吉罗,并自行进行着实验,更令安吉罗始料不及的是,乔布正企图利用虚拟空间来获得控制整个世界的力量。紧要关头,安吉罗将炸弹安放在了中心实验室,想以此来阻止乔布进入虚拟空间。不甘失败的乔布拒绝离开实验室,在爆炸声中实验室瞬间成了一片废墟。
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