translate.language.setLocal('Chinese_simplified'); Set the local language (the language of the current web page). If this parameter is not set, the language in which the text is displayed on the current web page is automatically recognized by default. You can fill in such as 'english', 'Chinese_simplified', etc., please refer to the instructions below the document. translate.service.use('client.edge'); Set up a machine translation service channel, directly on the client itself, without relying on the server side. translate.execute(); Translate
Madou Media Pictures. MSD-117. Ai Li, Uncle Wolf Rape Black Silk Niece, Brother's Daughter Is Really Good Fuck
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764 plays 69Cape Community. Sex with the boss in the Haidilao toilet
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translate.language.setLocal('Chinese_simplified'); Set the local language (the language of the current web page). If this parameter is not set, the language in which the text is displayed on the current web page is automatically recognized by default. You can fill in such as 'english', 'Chinese_simplified', etc., please refer to the instructions below the document. translate.service.use('client.edge'); Set up a machine translation service channel, directly on the client itself, without relying on the server side. translate.execute(); Translate
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主演: 松田优作,藤谷美和子,小林薰,笠智众
简介: 20世纪初的日本,毕业于东京帝国大学的长井代助(松田优作 饰)家境优渥,全然不曾为金钱烦ccc。他终日周游玩乐,过着悠闲自在的高等无业游民的生活。与之相对,和长井相交多年的好友平冈常次郎(小林薰 饰)生活拮据,妻子三千代(藤谷美和子 饰)孕期患上心脏病,未出生的孩子更不幸夭折。承受巨大压力的平冈破罐破摔,流连烟花场所。生计日益紧迫的同时,夫妻情分名存实亡。三千代是长井、平冈大学时代亡友菅沼(风间杜夫 饰)的妹妹,此去经年,始终未婚的长井依然对三千代持有深深的爱慕,他同情对方的境遇,但碍于道德的束缚只能将炽烈的情感深锁心底。深爱无缘,百千心结何处搁置……  本片根据夏目漱石的同名原作改编。
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主演: 三船敏郎,志村乔,津岛惠子,岛崎雪子,藤原釜足,加东大介,木村功,千秋实,宫口精二,小杉义男,左卜全,稻叶义男,土屋嘉男,高堂国典,东野英治郎,上田吉二郎,多多良纯,渡边笃,小川虎之助,山形勋,上山草人,清水元,高木新平,大友伸,高原骏雄,稻垣三郎,堺左千夫,千石规子,本间文子,大久保正信,伊藤实,大村千吉,广濑正一,宇野晃司,谷晃,中岛春雄,清水美恵,熊谷卓三,夏木顺平,岩本弘司,堤康久,马野都留子,森今日子,加藤武,仲代达矢,宇津井健,山本廉
简介: 日本战国时代,一小山村面临着山贼的威胁,为了保护秋天的收成,村中长老决定让去请武士来保护村子安全,但只能拿出的报酬是一天三顿的白米aaa。在城里,他们遭到了武士白眼甚至被打。直到勘兵卫(志村乔饰)的出现,他现今已沦为浪人,几经考虑最后答应了。他对农民说至少需要七名武士,于是久藏(宫口精二饰)、胜四郎(木村功饰)、五郎(稻叶义男饰)、七郎(加东大介饰)、平八(千秋实饰)和菊千代(三船敏郎饰)等六人也加入了队伍,七个人肩负保卫村子的任务。  整个防御准备的过程中,武士与农民间发生许多摩擦也闹出不少笑话。而在一次偷袭行动中,有武士为救农民被火枪打死,很快山贼的反扑随之而来,一场恶战即将开始。
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English [Brother and sister incest] The beast brother opened a live broadcast for money and broke it for his sister who is still in school Chinese Traditional Español South Korean Bahasa Indonesia 764 plays Deutsch
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